Sunday, October 29, 2006


Despite millions of people online and several IM and Chat rooms available it is still next to impossible to communicate on a Peer to peer basis with the poor people of the planet - Obviously a first obstacle is telephone / computer / cellular penetration in emerging market, however this obstacle is in process of dissapearing and more and more poor individuals have access to some kind of "shared" communication tool ("shared telephone", "shared cellular", even shared computer in internet cafes"). Given those changes we need to put in place a system that will allow people to directly leverage the efficiency of the internet and provide assistance without necessarily going through large intermediaries.

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Why Peer to Peer makes sense

- No / limited intermediaries - Personal - You can donate time (if you are a doctor for example) or smal incremental amounts - It closes the bridge between rich and poor without risk of hijack from local governments

Let"s focus on priorities...

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